Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I entered a weekly online Haiku contest. It's on someone's (Sparrow's) blog that's a friend of DNR. They have a themed contest once a week. You compose a Haiku based on the theme they suggest, and everyone votes for their favorite. This week's subject was "loss".

I gave this one a little thought, and came up with the following three haikus:

The desert claimed you.
Sunshine smile dimmed forever
I will not forget.

Your skin like old silk...
my fingers tremble as I
count out your last breaths

Warm bundle of fur
sweet heartbeats lost in silence
rest well, my old friend.

I submitted the first one and the last one for the contest. The second one I decided not to submit, mostly because I'm all shy-facey about it. Each of these is inspired by a friend or loved one that I've lost to an early or sudden death. Writing these made me a little melancholy, but that's ok. Sometimes melancholy is good.

I like haikus. They paradoxically please both my inner pragmatist and ever-present artist, simultaneously. I love the structure of them, it makes me think "Poem concentrated". I have to emotionally and artistically punch you as hard as I can in seventeen syllables. Annnnddd... GO.

The contest is at if you want to check it out. I think that Sparrow will post the entries for voting on in a couple of days. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know when you can go vote. I don't care if you vote for mine; vote for the best - the winner gets a deluxe care package sent to the soldier of their choice, and every soldier could use a deluxe care package. However, if you like mine best, please vote for it!


At 7:43 PM, Blogger Sparrow said...

I think you should submit the second one, it's lovely!!


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